Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Judge says that children are damaged by divorcing parents

This morning on the BBC Breakfast News, comments made in a speech by a senior family judge, Sir Nicholas Wall were discussed.

The speech was made to the charity Families Need Fathers. In the speech, he said that parents “do not realise the damage they do to their children” and that a child’s self worth can be “irredeemably damaged” if one parent makes it clear to the child that their other parent is worthless. He also said that parents find it hard to understand that even though they have separated from their spouse, their children will still love and be loyal to both of them.

Discussing the matter this morning, Liz Edwards from Resolution said that parents don’t have enough information on how to manage their relationship with an ex-spouse going forward. Craig Pickering from Families Need Fathers advised for parents to seek help on separation.

As commented by Liz Edwards, parents should consider what they want to achieve and then consider what the effect will be on the children. Perhaps easier said than done for separating spouses when emotions are raw? However, with the support of an understanding lawyer, this can be much more achievable than one might think.

At Hart Brown, our lawyers are Resolution (which was formerly known as the Solicitors Family Law Association) accredited and we understand that separation can be a difficult time for both parents and children. We will work with you to find practical solutions and to help minimise the negative impact on children.

Link to BBC article:

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